Wrist Curl - Palms Up Dumbbell Over Bench

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 0 Reps, 80-90 Wght

Beginner Forearms Strength Dumbbell Flat Bench Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise strengthens the muscles that flex the wrist.

Benefits: This exercise focuses on the wrist flexors with the forearms supinated.

Kneel beside a flat bench. Grasp dumbbells, with dumbbells close together, underhand grip. Let about half of your forearms extend beyond the side of the bench. Let your wrists bend back and open your fingers slightly. Do not roll the dumbbells to the tips of your fingers. This is your starting position. Grip the dumbbells tightly and curl the dumbbells as high as you can without removing your forearms from the bench. Exhale during this movement. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

A complete forearm program must achieve balanced development for all major forearm muscles. The forearm is involved in six different forearm movements. They include wrist flexion, wrist extension, wrist abduction, wrist adduction, forearm pronation, and forearm supination. There are additional muscles found in the forearm that are involved in movements like elbow flexion (brachioradialis), finger flexion, and finger extension.

Step 1

Kneel beside a flat bench, holding dumbbells, palms up, overhanging the bench, wrists bent down.


Kneel beside a flat bench. Grasp dumbbells, with dumbbells close together, underhand grip. Let about half of your forearms extend beyond the side of the bench. Let your wrists bend back and open your fingers slightly. Do not roll the dumbbells to the tips of your fingers. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Grip the dumbbells tightly, curling the barbell as high as you can, forearms still on the bench.


Grip the dumbbells tightly and curl the dumbbells as high as you can without removing your forearms from the bench. Exhale during this movement.

Step 3

Lower the dumbbells to the starting position.


Lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Hold dumbbells, with dumbbells close together, underhand grip. Let about half of your forearms extend beyond the side of the bench. Let your wrists bend back and open your fingers slightly. Do not roll the dumbbells to the tips of your fingers.